With a busy Edina family law practice, I have many clients. And while I feel like I have a pretty good memory, it’s not perfect. I may have to ask you a question that you have already answered. If this happens to you, don’t be offended. It is easy for one client’s set of facts to become blurred with another client’s set of facts. This is especially true at the beginning of the case as I am just getting to know you and your circumstances. It is far better for you to have to repeat yourself than for me to not know the answer to my question or to have misinformation.
As a corollary to this, don’t be afraid to tell me your story. I’ll decide if it’s relevant or not. Also, do not fall into the trap of assuming that I know everything that you know. I only know what you tell me, or what I learn from the other side. As I am learning your case, I might not always know the right questions to ask. It might take me a little while to get to the heart of your case. You can speed the process up, though, if you are not afraid to be forthcoming with information.
I recently met with a potential client who told me that he did not appear for an Order for Protection hearing because it was so obvious to him that the facts as stated in the petition by his wife were false that the Court would dismiss the case at the hearing. He was so convinced of this, in fact, that he did not bother to appear for the hearing. Of course, the Court entered the Order for Protection against him by default.
Don’t let this happen to you. You need to tell your story. When I first meet you, I know nothing about you. I will ask many questions in an effort to learn your case, but don’t assume that I will magically learn of a certain fact if you don’t tell it to me. Plus, I cannot tell the Court your story if you don’t tell it to me first.
Don’t be afraid to talk to me. If you are going off on a total tangent with irrelevant information, trust me, I’ll stop you.
Contact Beyer & Simonson
If you are facing divorce and any of the divorce-related issues such as spousal maintenance, child support, child custody, property division, or domestic abuse matters, you need our experienced Minneapolis divorce attorneys to help you. Contact Beyer & Simonson in Edina, Minnesota today at (952) 303-6007.