Grandparent Visitation Rights: Potential Hazards!
Minnesota law grants rights to grandparents to visit their grandchildren, if they can prove any of the following: The grandchild has a deceased parent The grandchild has lived with the…
Tier I & Tier II Spousal Maintenance in Minnesota
Minnesota law defines spousal maintenance as an award of payments from the future income or earnings of a former spouse to the other former spouse. Minn. Stat. §518.003 subd 3a….
Third Party Custody Rights: When a Child’s Best Interests Override Parent’s Rights to 25% Parenting Time
A Minnesota court will award custody rights to a third party (often a grandparent) when a child has been living with that third party for extended periods, without the presence…
Poor Conduct in a Divorce: Don’t be “Hoisted by Your Own Petard”
“Hoist with his own petard” is a phrase from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, referring to a bomb maker being harmed by his own creation. Though Minnesota divorces are not intended to end…