Grandparent Visitation Rights: Potential Hazards!
Minnesota law grants rights to grandparents to visit their grandchildren, if they can prove any of the following: The grandchild has a deceased parent The grandchild has lived with the…

When Can a Child Choose?
I often get asked by divorced or separated parents, at what age their child can decide which parent they live with. It’s a fair question; but one which unfortunately has…
Child Support Modification: Not Automatic Upon A Child’s Emancipation
What happens to a child support obligation when a child becomes emancipated? It doesn’t necessarily terminate, or even drop. Minnesota law provides 3 possibilities: child support that is ordered in…

Third Party Custody Rights: When a Child’s Best Interests Override Parent’s Rights to 25% Parenting Time
A Minnesota court will award custody rights to a third party (often a grandparent) when a child has been living with that third party for extended periods, without the presence…

“Get to Work!” What is ‘Voluntary Underemployment’ and How Does it Affect Child Support?
When it comes to determining child support, Minnesota’s child support laws require that parents work to support their children; accordingly, courts will assume parents can work full-time to financially support…

When Alleging the Conduct is Worse than the Conduct Alleged.
Like the boy that cried wolf, losing credibility can be a parent’s undoing in a child custody dispute. For example, calling the cops on mother for serving your child mac…

Bad Faith Conduct: Don’t Risk The Court Flexing Its Muscles!
Be careful when thinking of defying a mediated settlement agreement in Family Court. Courts will use their inherent authority to impose sanctions as needed to protect their vital functions of:…

Retroactive Child Support – How Far Back in Time Can The Court Go?
When parents are involved in a divorce proceeding, Minnesota law requires that the court consider the child’s financial support, and the parents’ obligations to contribute to that support.Part of that…

Parents’ & Grandparents’ Rights; Fundamental and Protected
In Minnesota, and the United States, parents have a fundamental and protected right to make decisions about their children’s care and custody. This right is recognized by the United States…

Handing control of your child’s upbringing to Court ought to be a chilling thought. In order to become a Judge, one requires no credentials in child development or parenting. In…