Tier I & Tier II Spousal Maintenance in Minnesota
Minnesota law defines spousal maintenance as an award of payments from the future income or earnings of a former spouse to the other former spouse. Minn. Stat. §518.003 subd 3a….

Upward Deviations: Making a Parent Pay More Than Guidelines Child Support
Minnesota child support obligations are determined using guidelines established by the legislature. These guidelines (called the ‘Child Support Guidelines’) provide a presumed support amount for courts to use when making…
Divorce Decrees: How “Creative” Should They Be?
In some ways, going through the divorce process can be like closing on a home. Many different forms and documents are prepared that you are asked to sign. It can…
Al Pacino & Spousal Maintenance in a Minnesota Divorce
What does a Court need to consider when figuring out whether to award spousal maintenance (formerly known as ‘alimony’) in a Minnesota divorce? And what information should you bring up…
Enough is Enough; When it’s Time to Revisit Spousal Maintenance
The Court of Appeals recently reversed a lower court’s decision to reject a husband’s request to modify his maintenance obligation to his ex-wife. It was error, the Court said, to…
Palimony in Minnesota
NBA star Blake Griffin made the news recently. And not because he was traded to the Detroit Pistons. No, he was sued by his ex-fiancé for what is often referred…
The New Tax Law and Spousal Maintenance
If you pay attention to the news at all, then I’m sure you know that Congress recently passed a new tax reform law. There are many sweeping changes to the…
It’s been more than a year since new law went into effect, allowing a court to determine whether maintenance can be modified based on a recipient’s cohabitation with another adult…
The Price of Freedom
During the divorce negotiation process, it is easy to become entrenched in a certain position. Say, for example, that your spouse is seeking spousal maintenance. You make a greater income…
Unlike child support, spousal maintenance or ‘alimony’ as it is sometimes called, is a way of helping a lesser-earning spouse meet his needs after a marriage ends, but is not…